Is your NPO in the Washington, DC, or Philadelphia areas? If yes, you should know these people!

18 Aug

August 18, 2012

In the course of our work helping our nonprofit clients with their accounting and financial reporting, we meet many other professionals providing services to the nonprofit community. Lawyers, auditors, grant writers, fundraisers, strategic planners, insurance agents, pension plan administrators, investment advisors, consultants, payroll companies, HR providers, software vendors (e.g. accounting, fundraising, and dashboards), and more. We get to see their work up close and therefore we are in a good position to know who the good ones are.

From time-to-time in coming months I intend to mention the very good ones.

To start, I’d like to give thumbs-up to three umbrella organizations whose missions are to support the nonprofit organizations in their communities.

The first is The Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington ( run by Chuck Bean, President. The Roundtable works to build the strength, influence, and visibility of the nonprofit community through “an alliance of over 300 nonprofits and community partners working in health and human services, education, the environment, the arts and more to improve the quality of life for all in the Greater Washington region.” [Quote from their website.] Full disclosure: I served on the Roundtable’s Finance Committee and now the Roundtable is one of our accounting clients. But this means I know them well and feel very comfortable touting their good works.

Also in Washington, DC, is Glen O’Gilvie, Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Nonprofit Advancement ( “Since 1979, the Center for Nonprofit Advancement has strengthened, promoted and represented its member nonprofit organizations throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.” [Quote from their website.] The Center offers training and technical assistance, networking opportunities, and advocates on behalf of its members with local government officials.

In Philadelphia you should know Dr. Laura Otten, Director of the Nonprofit Center at La Salle University ( The Nonprofit Center is “an organization that enhances the management and governance capacity of nonprofit organizations throughout the Greater Philadelphia region.” [Quote from Laura’s blog.]

Chuck, Glen, and Laura: I know all three of these community leaders. I can say without hesitation that all three have devoted their professional careers to the support of the nonprofit organizations in their respective areas. They manage to provide impact far in excess of their budgets. Each of them has an impressive personal resume with many accomplishments and all three are very warm, engaging, and approachable.

If your nonprofit organization is located in either of their markets, check out their websites, become a member, and take advantage of their many wonderful programs.

Comments welcome.


Eric Fraint, President and Founder,
Your Part-Time Controller, LLC

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